Andrew Weatherill - 'Site Ed.'

Wednesday 21 August - Sunday 15 September 2019

Andrew Weatherill’s work strives to navigate the ceaseless changes of the urban environment, investigating the available expanse of space relating to structure, texture and sight to explore how we ascribe value and memory to the environment we inhabit.

Born in Port Moresby in 1972, Weatherill presently lives and works in Melbourne. He received an MFA from RMIT University in 2016. His artworks focus on the shifting point of view as a means to question perception, location, and subjectivity. Trained as a painter and printmaker, his art practice oscillates between analogue, digital and spatial positions that extend the nature of the contemporary print practice. Interweaving mediums of photography, collage and intaglio printmaking allows Weatherill to create unique artworks that embody the artist’s hand and the shifting point of contact between mass and space.

Site Ed. consists of a new body of work that explores the changing architectural site and its many editions and alterations. Weatherill’s process of developing and presenting his prints intentionally transforms space through radical shifts in the horizon line and placing value on often overlooked and peripheral spaces. Captured in a transitional state, his images capture the constant decay and renewal of the urban landscape.