Aneta Bozic - 'Mesh'

Wednesday 10 April - Sunday 12 May 2019

Mesh is the structure that binds, intertwines and weaves through the organic nature of our experiences and emotions. It represents our culture, our nature, our predispositions that form the foundation, the base from which we express ourselves. It can be both safe and strong, giving us identity and security. It can also be a cage that restricts and contains us, that we need to break through in order to grow.

From this base, organic elements emerge and sprout. The repetition of habits, the flow of imagination, the combinations of perspectives, the contrasts of perceptions. The expression of these elements is as individual as they are familiar. Firmly rooted or delicately attached, deliberately hidden or unashamedly exposed, the Mesh of our past, our surroundings, our society is as much a part of us as it is not.