Kasia Fabijanska

High places, solo hikes. Strip you of pretence, distraction, bring focus and introspection. Nature in your face; sideways rain; cold, grey corners in you mind or heart, places you’ve feared to tread. Storms pass.

Click here for artwork by Kasia Fabijanska

Recent exhibitions include
2020 Forthcoming, Tacit Galleries, Melbourne 2019 Dark Ink, Tinning Street Presents, Melbourne 2017 Bajka, The Stockroom, Kyneton 2015 Ecoruminating, Rubicon ARI, Melbourne 2013 Interference, Rubicon ARI, Melbourne 

2020 Untitled 2020, Traffic Jam Galleries, Sydney 2019 Baldessin Studio – The Story, Montsalvat, Melbourne; Editions, Tacit Galleries; Endangered Space, Counihan Gallery, Melbourne 2018 Summer Salon, Collins Place Gallery, Melbourne; Impressions, Australian Print Workshop, Melbourne; Swan Hill Print & Drawing Awards, Swan Hill Regional Gallery; Editions, Tacit Galleries 2017 Gippsland Print Award, Gippsland Regional Art Gallery, Sale; The Forest, Printmaker Gallery, Melbourne; Burnie Print Prize, Tasmania 2016 Between Here and There, Australian Print Workshop; Editions, Tacit Contemporary; Impressions, Australian Print Workshop 2014 Moreland Summer Show, Counihan Gallery, Melbourne; Impressions, Australian Print Workshop; 13 Melbourne Printmakers, Rathdowne Galleries, Melbourne; Scope Art Award, Scope Galleries, Warrnambool; Blueprint, Brunswick Arts Space, Melbourne